| - C'mon, you can do better.
I am sure this place could be BOMB! Maybe I just came at the wrong time...
It was a long night of partying the night before the wedding, ran into CVS-no way a nail shop was open at 3AM! Went on in, 2 people working, however only one was able to give a mani/pedi...who I waited for 15 minutes to return. I gave it a pass. She finally got in didn't speak, but began eating what was her late night/early morning dinner. She noticed me looking, gave me the "I am hungry, girl" look-so I told her to take her time (not that I meant it). She took 20 minutes to finish. I gave it a pass because I needed nails done BADLY, also it was clean and the lowest price I had found so far (still over priced!)
The pedi job was good although the message was rough, not relaxing. Didn't get the massage chair turned on after I asked for it repeatedly. The two girls did a lot of gossiping, but I guess they felt that was fine since it was 4AM and I was the only customer.
Overall I am satisfied (not happy) with the pedi job, not so much the mani. Between the sloppy decor, not so hot 4am customer service and the over priced pedi-I don't think I will return