Oh, the memories...
I'm not sure what it is about Tims, but it keeps you coming back. At first, the coffee is pretty lack-luster and standard, much like McDonalds. But there's something to it. Perhaps its the great conversations that ensue. Perhaps its because it is so damn cheap. Or that you tell THEM what you want in it (double-double?). Perhaps its because someone will come over the house with a cup for everyone and a box of Timbits to boot. Maybe its Canadian kool-aid served on a massive scale.
Who knows. I just know I started craving it in my sleep.
The donuts are pretty meh, but the lemon danish (seasonal) is delicious. Toasted bagels with cream cheese, cheese, or butter (or all three) are pretty good too. Great road food. And everyone I knew got excited about it.
In the end, I did too.