| - The float spa experience is pretty cool. It might not be for everyone. If you can't be still for a while you might find it frustrating because you really should try to not move to get the relaxation they advertise. If you can stay still though it's very nice. That being said. While the experience is interesting, and I would recommend people try it if they are curious, use a groupon, because the cost IMO is too high for what you get. Which is just an hour float and some ear plugs. That's pretty much it. They don't even provide you a towel for free. And the relaxation you get is nice, but I'm not sure how therapeutic exactly. I mean, I can go to a spa, get a human being to rub down my entire body with essential oils and aroma therapy, and I even get a bathrobe for $60 an hour. I have no idea how much it costs to run these pods, but $80 for an hour to lay in a salty tub, does not compute to me. They have package deals, but that just means you end up paying more of you only wanted to go once in a while. If the cost were $30-40 I might consider going more often. Other than that, I'll just come in for my free birthday float, which is nice. Thanks for that. Cuz they don't honor any other discounts for repeat customers.