I do not rent from this company but my son does. Some of the stories I hear blow my mind. I can't believe that this slum lord gets away with what he does. It has to be illegal. He takes every dime he can from kids who are already struggling.
My son has been renting for a while and has never been late on rent. He recently had an emergency that was going to make him a little late. They will not work with their tenants at all. It's a$45 late fee starting the 2nd of the month and $10 a day after that. No exceptions. How does that help someone? It's a trap that someone on a tight budget will never be able to recover from. Where is this man's conscience?
Luckily I was able to help my son with his emergency and he did not get the dreaded 5 day notice (which, by the way, is put on your door on the 3rd). If I wasn't able to help him he would have been in serious trouble and homeless really fast. He has had a major work order in to get something important fixed since he moved into his place and nobody will take care of it. The place is falling apart and yet he wants to charge the tenants exorbitant fees. The deposit to move in is unlike anything I've ever seen.
There have also been many other very shady things that this landlord does. Things that have to be illegal. I don't want to go into those though because the landlord would then know who's mother is leaving this review and I do not want retaliation on him. (By the way Tim, my son doesn't even know I'm leaving this review) I am completely appalled at how this company is run and by their business practices. This man is a predator. I know my son wants to move as soon as his lease is up but I am worried he won't get his deposit which will allow him to move somewhere else. I wonder what it would take to get a class action lawsuit going on this guy. Might look into that.