All my boyfriend wanted to do for his birthday was go to the zoo. Unfortunately, it was hot the day we went so we went straight to do the things he wanted -- all interactive activities (ride the camel, feed the giraffe and pet the goats)
First the camel ride. It was kind of scary at first, I felt like I could fall but it's honestly worth doing it just to take the picture! Lol The only thing was I thought that the ride was too short.
The giraffe feeding was sort of a debacle. I didn't realize there was a set time that you can feed it and we almost missed it! The giraffes looked so happy and it was fun feeding them -- for about 10 seconds!!!! I seriously felt like we got our $5 robbed but in the end I guess we did take a good picture with them. They literally give you only 4 pellets plus they don't give you time to enjoy feeding them or the scenery -- I felt so rushed. In world wildlife zoo, you can put a quarter in a gumball machine and a handful of pellets come out, plus you can feed them anytime!
I think I prefer the World Wildlife zoo than the Phoenix zoo. The only thing is that this has a more central location than the other one.