Well after the treatment I recieved from the security staff at the Imagine Dragons show I will never being going back to the Saddledome. As a former employee at the Saddledome back in the late 90`s. I was very suprised at the lack of training that the security staff seemed to have. I have been to over 300 shows and performances and not once was I concerned for my safety, except last night at the Imagine Dragons show. I went to the show without any injuries and buy the time I left I have a sprained wrist thanks to the neanderthal`s that are suposedly securing the venue. I have left a message with the Saddledome management stating that I have filed a police report with the Calgary Police Service and that Im expecting compansation for lost time from work as well as any medical expenses that may incurre. Time to step up and do the right thing Saddledome management.