Went here on a whim with teh Ichiban Lady Fren because we were stuck in traffic after coming from the Luxor and tried to be slick and take Industrial. I was at once inspired, challenged, and amazed by how many replacements for my junk were available for purchase, at wonderful discounted prices!
The only reason why I am not automatically giving them Full 5-Star Love is because I got attitude from the brazen hussy straddling (well, not really but it gives you a better visual) the register when I went to ask if they had breakaway silk restraints in Ebony and why there were only three available swings.
I mean, come on woman....I'm not asking for a course in Advanced Dildonics here, it's a simple inventory question. Even if you're a hottie with legs for miles working at a Sexy Time! place, a little customer service goes a long way.
Would recommend to friends without kids. So they can start making some.