| - This trip can be amazing, suck it up and pay it and do it. We got a great ride from hotel to Maverick, it is so close to the strip it's a quick trip. Checked in and weighed in, phew I just made it without having to pay for extra seat. Check the weight limits for those big body people or it can cost you.
Our pilot talked to us, group of six tourists. He explained safety and what things we would see. We were off up over the MGM and off across the desert at 150 mph. Great views of Vegas, the mountains and the deserts. Flying by Hoover dam, the Colorado and into the Grand Canyon before landing in a remote spot for mimosas. She spotted the long horn sheep walking on a cliff before stopping to pose, I think the sheep wanted tip money like everyone else who poses for a picture in Vegas. Great photo opportunities everywhere. Flying out to the Mojave for a fuel stop and Joshua tree photo op. There was plenty of time flying, this was no flyby and done. This was a tour, a nice guided tour. Oh yeah, the pilot had a mix tape of 'flying songs' that was pretty cool soundtrack to the flight. We ordered the video and picture package, hope to see it arrive soon.
The helicopter trip provided us with views from above and flying thru but the trip wasn't over. We went rafting too! We got dropped off in Boulder City and took bus ride to Base of Hoover dam for rafting trip. We got the views from closer than anyone else could without going on Black Canyon Rafting. Big boat held 50, water was calm, it was cool day but it was awesome. The tour guide took us down the Colorado 12 miles over 3 hours. Seen hot springs, eagle, big horn, ducks, friendly raven and fish. Took a lunch break with the prepared sandwich wrap, nice cooler packed lunch. The views from water level were so different than the helicopter, from above you don't get the feeling of scale when you are in a raft. See the old scaffolding walkways and water reader office, it will make you glad for your cubicle.
You will have memories and stories to laste a lifetime.