Not much has changed. This place still pretty much stinks. The only things I like here are the sweet potato tots and the Diet Coke. THE SERVICE IS TERRIBLE EVERY SINGLE TIME WITHOUT FAIL!!!! DO NOT EXPECT ANY ATTENTION TO BE PAID TO YOU. YOU WILL NOT FEEL THE SLIGHTEST BIT IMPORTANT. YOUR ORDER WILL LIKELY BE WRONG!!!
My husband asked for a turkey burger with no garlic whatever sauce on it. Of course, it came with it on it. They apologized. Then instead of just making him a new burger, they told us they were just going to throw it back on the grill and that sauce would melt right back off. ????? They said it would take about 10 minutes. WHAT?!?!? Wouldn't you think the meat would be too tough after 10 extra minutes on the grill?
To make things worse while we were waiting, some dude (likely the manager) came up to our table and asked if either of us drove a Ford truck. "NO, I DRIVE A 7SERIES BMW. DO I LOOK LIKE A DRIVE A FORD TRUCK? WHY?" He walked away without answering. It was because a Ford truck was parked in their 15 minute only to go parking spot we figured out.
So I had already finished my chicken Caesar salad, no turkey burger for my husband yet. I'm still hungry because my salad was pathetically small for an entree salad and he's starving because he still has no food. I look back behind me several times trying to spot the waitress to get her attention. Finally I have to get up and walk to the frick'n hostess stand to order my 1/2 sweet tots 1/2 french fry because she's just standing there talking to the guy who had nothing better to to 10 minutes ago than walk around asking people if they owned Ford trucks.
Anyway, the whole lunch experience took about 2 hours. TOO LONG. TOO ANNOYING. WILL NOT BE BACK.