let me just start off by saying this was my first visit after living in Vegas for 11 years.
YUMMMMM. We typically don't go out for pizza often (we make our own) but I had received a free 16in one topping pizza coupon for my birthday so why not. We arrived a little before 5pm on a Friday. They informed us that the ovens had just been something (not sure what they called it but I took it as cleaned and heating back up) but wait time for pizzas to come out was minimal. They brought out the first pizza but apologized and said another was in the oven because the one they brought out was a little darker than they liked but we could enjoy it and a better one would be on the way (it really wasn't burnt people). We take a bite and after bite #2, I told E I would NEVER pay $20 for this. They're insane. He continued to eat. I said ehhh no flavor. This isn't good. So I patiently waited for the second one to come out. They again apologized and I dove in. One bite.......HOLY COW! I looked at E and said you've gotta try it. He said how different can it be? I'm full. I said just take a bite of mine. He ended up eating 2 more slices lol. We will definitely splurge on ourselves for this delicious pizza.