I can't believe how low the ratings are for this place. I've shopped there so many times and just love it.
However, I guess the reason I love it is for the designer things. I mean, I got a pair of Silver jeans that were brand spanking new for $29, and I think thats a great deal since they usually cost more than $100. I got an H&M suitjacket for $9. The boots there are usually really cheap and amazing.
The place doesn't buy anything unless it's in great shape so what do you want? I got a pair of Dolce & Gabana jeans for $35. It's wonderful! Perhaps I like this place more than the usual person because my body type is long and slim and it's hard for me to buy jeans I like without spending a fortune.
This place allows me to get the designer stuff that fits me, without breaking my wallet! I love it.