I'm actually super sad to write this review! I loved Kintaro and thought their lunch special for $10.99 was awesome! I recently went back this week to discover that they have increased their price to $14.99. Although it's unlimited, I personally can never even finish one serving, let alone get a second, so for me this price isn't really worth it anymore. They also severely cut back on their menu, from 60 items to 40, and there's no more udon! Not my udon! Why, kintaro?? Why!? They also used to give you banchan with your meal (appetizers like kimchi and cucumbers), but they seemed to have stopped doing that as well. If you can put food away like a professional eater, you might still find this deal worth it though. For me, unfortunately, I'll have to start looking for a new lunch spot. #breakingmyheartkintaro