The venue is five stars--on the water, great views of the flats, clean, fire place and outdoor fire pit for cool nights; however service and management of staff is chaotic and three stars at best. We sat at a half empty bar on a Wednesday afternoon for ten or twelve minutes without bartender even asking if he could help us as he was more attentive to stocking glasses and talking to wait staff. The hostess acted like we were bothering her in asking for a table and offered no accommodation in terms of where we should wait or if we could wander outside. The wait staff seems numerous but also as if they're running around with little organization, and getting one's food can be a very slow process. Food has been good/tasty both at Sunday brunch and at times I've visited for dinner, but our afternoon visit turned into one drink at the bar and on to the flats to eat elsewhere where someone would pay a little kind attention to us.