Whatsoever has happened to my T. G. I. Fridays? My goodness... We have been Fridays stalwarts for decades and while the chain has seen tough times we have stuck with them. However, the last three times we have chosen Fridays for our empty nest/disposable income nights out (full disclosure, one of the three was the Strongsville OH store) it has NOT been good. A few days ago, my wife's Pecan Crusted Chicken Salad was just some chicken on lettuce. Ya, just that. Since she orders it almost always, she saw right away it was missing everything else. Now, the bar guys were fantastic -- and made it right as immediately as they could and apologized "up one side and down the other" (as my Mom would say). But the damage is being done. I have 399 Fridays points and frankly, I feel like just deleting the app and starting my Burntwood Tavern Rewards. I am so sorry, Fridays, but I feel like some tough love is needed here. You suck right now and better get your sh** together or we are done.