| - The Cheesecake Factory is an extremely mediocre restaurant that is way too hyped up by Drake fans residing in the GTA. With that being said, the line-up to get in had my friend and I waiting almost 2 hours on a Tuesday afternoon. Nevertheless, we waited in the line to soon be greeted by a waiter that seemingly rehearsed his every word moments before he served our table. Despite the awkward waiter, my friend and I both ordered burgers, and to our disappointment they weren't nearly as tasty as the waiter described. After browsing the extensive list of cheesecakes, we ordered one plain strawberry and one chocolate. You would think a restaurant with the name "The Cheesecake Factory" would exceed expectations of any regular cheesecake. The cheesecakes were fine, but tasted like nothing special. Overall, if I'd had known, I wouldn't have waited in the line for a mediocre lunch. Although The Cheesecake Factory met my expectations of a restaurant, they did not, in the very least, exceed them. Honestly, I think Drake sang about his date fighting with him at "Cheesecake" because she probably was under impressed that DRAKE would take her to such an over-hyped, and severely average restaurant.