I would NEVER go back.
The only reason I am giving 2 stars is because the test drive was great. I LOVED the jeep and will definitely be purchasing one this year, just not from this dealership.
When is came to sitting down and crunching numbers, I was unpleasantly surprised.
All we asked for was the best OTD price. My boyfriend sold cars for years and is very knowledgeable about cars in general.
Have you ever heard of the customer is always right? How about give the customer what they ask for?
Instead we were asked a dozen questions.
When it came to running the numbers 30 mins later, they gave us a number based on $2000 down when we said we were putting down $6400.
I felt incredibly pressured to sign on the dotted line lets say... When from the beginning, I was very firm that I would not be buying a car the same day.
The best part was when the sales manager? decided to take over and (received a mysterious phone call) where he was able to "release us a car" that he told us was sold 10 mins before.
How dumb do you think we are?
Do yourself a favor and look elsewhere when buying a car.