I feel like I may never be able to rate a zoo because I am a member of the San Diego zoo and no other soo quite compares. Toronto zoo is pretty good though. We got to see the Pandas, which was awesome, and baby lemurs were out playing and they were adorable. This zoo was crawling with peacocks, just like the San Diego one. Is that a popular zoo thing? I love watching kids chase the peacocks. We randomly ran into a few keeper interactions where the animals were out and about for meeting. The layout is ok, with geographic distribution but there was one leg of the trails that said "steep" on the map and was not a loop, just an out and back that we chose not to go down due to limit of time. In zoo design I like a loop design where you can explore without going past the same exhibit twice. Randomly we saw a beaver in the white Rhino exhibit, which completed my Canada trip bucket list. There was a lot if undeveloped areas in the park, which I am hoping can turn into expansion of educational or conservational work on behalf of the zoo (more exhibits please, hint hint). Kids love this place and everything was very nice.