Location = F
Staff = B+
Decor = F
Food = A-
Overall = C
Not street visible, you have to turn into the Walgreen's and drive through the parking lot past the store and turn left when you see the Wide Shoe store. GPS and Mapquest did not provide very accurate directions...
The staff was all young but friendly. I was with a few friends who, like myself, had never been there before and another group of people had come in just a minute or so before us. One of the youngins behind the counter was giving us all lessons in ordering and giving us samples of their most popular menu items.
The decor was odd. Exposed duct work, cheap collapsible tables. The kind my parents own but keep in the shed until we have a a big party. Menu items typed on sheets of paper, laminated and stapled to the wall...it just seemed so hole in the wall, so...ugh
The food was, as my friend called it, "stoner food". I got the pork carnitas quesadilla and the jade chicken with black beans and chicken fried rice.
It was all really good! Flavorful, tender.....mmmmmmmmmmmm. My only complaint was that the beans tasted like they had been thrown in the blender instead of hand mashed. No texture
I'm looking forward to a return trip. The items I gave F's to are not going to keep me from coming back! I am already planning on what to eat next.
Oh and that volcano cookie is out of this world!