Is it possible to give a minus 5 star review? If so, I would give it here. I could go on about the rude staff, being yelled at by a nurse, being scolded for asking questions, being told our malpractice insurance doesn't cover that, being told steroids have no real side effects to worry about, being told it didn't matter if I had just had bacon and eggs that morning -go get cholesterol testing without fasting - it won't effect the results. I could talk about being patted on the arm, and told "We practice Western medicine here" when I asked if there might be an alternative to daily steroids. There were several occasions when prescriptions were supposed to be called in and "we forgot" several days in a row. Promised follow-up calls that didn't happen. Finally being sent a letter saying We won't see you here anymore because we can't handle your level of care - after I complained. ( I know that thyroid RX takes a high level of skill.) I could go on... Finding a new Dr isn't easy but I should have done it long ago. Seriously, you couldn't pay me to go to Legacy Urgent Careless.