Confused.!!! I was in when Esther K came in yesterday. This woman has no business complaint. She no-showed her appointment last week and the salon was kind enough as they are rated number one for customer service they were kind enough to call her and reschedule her appointment. Her Groupon was expired and they still offer to honor it if she would come in at a next available time which was the fifth. When she came in she was very late and it was too late to start her nails because it would run into the next client. She was offered another time to have them done but threw a fit became very vulgar with the receptionist used foul language and caused a scene if I was the salon I myself would've called the police and have her escorted out the salon did everything to make her happy and she use the excuse that she had a Groupon and no one wanted to do it when they offered in the first place to do it even though it was expired. So I call that woman a bad bad attitude. This is the best Salon I've ever been to . the customer service and quality of people that work here are exceptional. Don't let someone with a bad attitude keep you away. See for yourself you will absolutely love this place.i