I have never been more disappointed with any business (let alone a hotel) in all of my life.
Let me quickly explain...During my stay (on the main floor at the back) in the summer,my gf and I decided to go out the side door marked clearly as Sortie. When we went out the door there were some stairs and door that was locked. I went up the stairs and realized we had gone the wrong way. On the way down the stairs my leg went right through one of the bottom stairs (about a 3/4 foot drop) I smashed my ankle and shin on the metal stair and my back hit the top of the stair behind me. I was hurt and I was well bruised. In fact, it is over a month later and my shin still hurts.
I informed the front desk and the young man did very little about other than to say I went the wrong way. Thank buddy.
The next morning the handy man was there looking at it and acknowledged how dangerous it was. What if it had been a stair higher up? What if I was an older person or a child? I relayed the story to the front desk woman in the morning and said that I would like the owner to contact me. I said I am not the type to make a fuss and am pretty tough so I was cool without making a big deal but felt the owner should contact me. I simply wanted to discuss the situation and my disappointment in the front desk worker. She told that she would (and I assume she did). The owner never contacted me.
I then wrote a letter to the owner to express my disappointment in him/her for not contacting me. You think that s/he would be concerned that someone was hurt in their hotel but NO. Whomever did not reply again!
I have followed reviews on numerous sites and have noticed that the owner will reply to positive reviews but I guess I am not worth it. I could have gone to the hospital and caused a terrible fuss. I could have threatened to sue them. I could have called the Better Business Bureau. Fortunately for the owner I am not that person. I am the type to praise good businesses and not rip bad ones. This is one of the few critical reviews I have ever written.
My final message to the owner is that you are very lucky one of stairs a few floors up did not fall through. Someone could have died and that could have been me. This is negligence (it is the stairs they use as a fire escape) and you apparently do not give a damn.