| - The pupusas, yes, the pupusas are great. The loroco with cheese has become our favorite, But this past week, I strayed from our standard and tried the gallina soup with braised chicken and salad. All I can say is, "What the hell? Where has this been my whole life?" The soup is magical. Huge chunks of carrot, potato, and zucchini, with some thin noodles, and a savory broth with some mint leaves. I quickly abandoned the rest of my entree in favor of finishing the huge bowl of magic. It was the best soup I've had since coming to Phoenix 13 years ago.
Good thing Hubby got sick this weekend- it gave me an excuse to go back and get some more. Being magical, you know it has serious healing properties. Here's where I learned that the Sopa de Gallina is chicken soup without the chicken meat and the Sopa de Pollo is the same thing but with the meat. Two huge Styrofoam cups to go with lemon wedges and 4 hot and fresh tortillas cost less than $6.00. I was stunned. The owner said it costs more with meat. Believe me, you won't miss it. Who knew that magic was so cheap? Hubby's fever is already down and he's feeling much better.