| - My beef with Sprouts has been documented elsewhere (short version: a neat grocery store, but don't call yourself a farmers market, or pretend to have "healthy stuff" just for the gimmick) so I'll try to just share what I noticed here.
I don't love the lower-placed bulk food bins. They take up a ton of space, and when they're low and the kind you dip the scoop into instead of the gravity-feed kind, I get a little grossed out thinking about people's hands in there scooping things all around.
Also, i thought the bulk spice selection was in a weird place. Why are you hiding it on an endcap. Either put it with the spices, or with the bulk foods, but not on an endcap somewhat spice-adjacent. And for crying out loud, is my home Sprouts the only place in the universe that carries Ceylon cinnamon?
Other than those very nerdy, very specific complaints, you're probably not going to notice many differences between this and any other Sprouts. Produce, meat, dairy, and all the other grocery store norms.