I really hate leaving a not so good review, but I have really thought about this for the past few weeks and decided to warn Doggy Mommies out there. I have a shitzu bijoun mix and he is not fixed. I asked them to do a Summer shave on my Laddie. When I picked him up, he looked a little funny. Like his eyes were telling me something hurt. The cut was decent and he looked and smelled nice. However when I got him home, he started licking his little balls and his paws all night long. In the morning, I looked closely at his paws and the nails had been cut too short. They were all red with dried blood on them. I soaked his paws in a warm tub and thought that was the reason for his pain. I was so wrong. Over the next 24 hours he would not stop licking his balls and a rash appeared around them. I took him to the vet 2 days later and the vet told me it was an irratation from too close of a shave in that area. I had to buy a prescription cream and got a lecture about reading Yelp reviews more closely. It took my poor boy close to 2 weeks to heal. So please be careful with how short u want them to cut your little pups, because they take the words. Summer cut quite literally.