I swear teleportation exists. How do I know this? Because of Circus Circus. Everytime I step inside Circus Circus, I am instantly transported into Tijuana. It is so weird. I can't figure it out. I mean, I don't want to be in Tijuana, but it happens everytime. Soooo weird.
But I will give Circus Circus a fat high five for their midway games and their theme park. I'm not sure if I'd bring my future kids there in fear they might be kidnapped and sold, but nonetheless I. HAD. SO. MUCH. FUN. THERE as a kid. Man, I remember fucking every other kid up at TIC-TAC-TOE, watergun races, bean bag toss, rock climbing... pretty much everything. I'm not even sure how my parents were able to fit all my prizes in the car. I was like Jeremy Lin before Jeremy Lin was even invented. COME AT ME BRO!