If I'm looking for something specific can't find it at One Million Comix or Silver Snail then I come down to Anime Xtreme as a last stitch effort to find it locally before resorting to online shopping or eBay. They usually have some older toys and figures that other stores have long ago liquidated so it is worth coming here to have a look.
The guys that work here usually pay me no mind since I'm neither a geeky guy (no offense geeky guys!) or a 12 year old fangirl - all the better because this way I can worm my way through their tiny aisles and if they don't have what I want I can leave and not have to deal with their condescending attitude. If I do have to ask them for something I'm usually met with a "Why the hell do you want that?" kind of response.
My friends have told me to keep my eyes open for items of questionable authenticity here, but I've never had a problem with any of the figures and statues I've bought here. Their newer merchandise tends to be overpriced, but you can find some deals on some of their older stuff.