What a joke!!! I came here with the idea that I would get some kind of "workout". This facility is honestly useless for anyone who comes here and actually wants to utilize the equiptment, it is so crowded that at any given point all of the machines are being used and there is actually a line of people waiting for macines!! If you thought you'd come here and get a bench thats laughable, if you actually wanted to superset something good luck ever being able to use two pieces of equiptment at the same time. What about lockers I think not, there are so many people here that its hard to even breath without choking on someone elses sweat. Being a student here I was hoping that I could use this facility between or after classes. I've been to concerts that are less crowded than it is here. I feel bad for any of the poor suckers that actually signed up and pay for a membership here. It got a whole two stars because of the equitment they have it is nice for the most part. There are squat racks and olympic weight sets. But the smell of bootie sweat is enough to make me run the other way.