This is the worst real estate company I have ever had dealings with. If repairs were needed, it took weeks to get it done if the repairs were made at all. For example, an element in the stove broke in the house. After several phone calls, a repair person finally came out to look at the stove. It was so old, it could not be repaired and a new stove was ordered. The company came to deliver the stove without letting anyone in the house no and no one was home. They had to come back at a later time. When they went to put the stove in it was too big it cracked the countertops and didn't go all the way back to the wall. After several phone calls, nothing happened. At the time of move out, the stove was still sitting at least 3 to 4 inches from the wall and the counter tops were still cracked. Denali real estate is great at taking your rent money, but that is about it.