OMG...I recently took a sweet desert drive to the city of Sin, and in between gambling and having a cocktail or 2, I always take in a show...Don't you just LOVE saying "take in a Show" it makes us sound so Cosmopolitan....So on this trip I went to see 'VEGAS,THE SHOW" I can't RAVE enough about it! It literally was SO MUCH FUN! The entire cast is just WONDERFUL! The energy and the acts it was like seeing a show back in the day in Vegas...Well I I of course am young and, And I have to be honest, I can't sit still to save my life, but the show kept my attention (not an easy task) and had me Living in the Audience! What an amazing ensemble and what an Awesome way to see Vegas. I have been many times and I have seen many many shows, but I have never seen anything like this! So Good, Can't wait to see it with my parents! If you ever get to Vegas and if you only go once in your life, you have to stop by and see this Show! You will Love it! It's a sure bet in the city where Lady Luck is fickle! SO GET ON IT! XO Great Job!