Coin-less laundry should change their name to WORTH-less laundry. The vending machine to buy soap doesn't take money or credit cards, it only take their proprietary 'easy pass' card (or something). You buy the EP card from what used to be a change machine, but it won't give you change. If you put in $20, you buy a $20 card or nothing (we're traveling and had 1 small load of laundry to do). The "attendant" does anything BUT attend...she rolls around with her ear buds in and can't hear anything you say, and then busied herself flirting with a guy and wasn't interested in helping although it was clear that we were having trouble. We had to leave to get change for a $20 to use in the stupid easy pass machine, but it won't take the money. We re-packed our dirty clothes and left. They could not have made it and LESS convenient! Unfortunately, this is the ONLY laundry we could find for miles around, so they obviously have zero competition and couldn't care less about serving their customers. THEY GET ZERO fact I would rate them with -5 STARS!