| - Do yourself a favor and stay clear from the poor customer service at this Tire Works.
Got a flat on my Tire Works purchased tires. I called ahead about the flat warranty and mysteriously they had no record of my initial ~$1000 purchase in their system (which is needed to cover the repair). I had to call the original store myself to track it down (because the location nearest my house didn't offer to). The manager at the purchase location confirmed with me on the phone that all my tires were under warranty and they would fix a flat for free at any Tire Works. He agreed to my request to call the store nearest me and let them know since it wasn't in their system (curiously, the record of my purchase was in his system).
Anyhow, I drove to the closer Tire Works and found the place near empty (that should have been a sign) with a twenty-something counter representative who looked like he was high and who didn't have a clue about my situation (even though the manager from the other store had called ahead). After explaining myself (twice), he had to call the manager over who finally conceded to the flat repair as he had taken the call from the other store (but had not shared it with his counter staff).
I pull my car around as instructed and a tech in the shop takes my tire off, looks at the puncture and says he can fix it. I tell him I'm running next door for a sandwich and I'll be right back while he finishes the repair. Ten (10) minutes later I walk back only to be told (by the high guy) they could not fix my tire but (suddenly) I had to buy a new one.
Perplexed and I felt like the whole approach was feeling shady to me because ten (10) minutes ago they could fix it and now they cant. I said so and asked for a copy of the warranty language so I could see the details on flat repair policy. The high guys goes inside and out comes the manager with a "what do you want" attitude (because that's all he said). I explained to him what happened and asked again to see a copy of the warranty on flats. I asked AGAIN and he begrudgingly walks back inside to get me a copy. He walks back out, hands me the warranty and simply walks back inside without a word of concern.
After reading the content of the warranty I went back in and reviewed it with with the manager who newly explained to me that in actuality I did NOT have a warranty at all and so any language on repair or warranty meant nothing. Feeling completely confused and taken advantage of I ask him why - without a warranty - were they going to fix my tire in the first place. He has no answer. I told him the whole experience felt like they were trying to get me in to fix a flat only to sell me a tire... and that there was no flat warranty at all. Why they can fix it / we can't fix it flip-flop? He has no answer. He acts completely indifferent and makes several condescending remarks to my questions. Seeing we were getting nowhere I get the corporate phone number and leave.
As I drove away I found myself wondering how a company places a person in charge (a manager) with absolutely no skills in dealing with a customer other than the skill to make things markedly worse. I immediately called the corporate office hoping to let them know about what happened.
A swift three hours later the corporate customer service person calls me back with the excuse that she couldn't return my call sooner because she was in meetings all day and had not actually received the message until some two hours after I had initially called. I mused to myself if any of the meetings she attended during my three hour wait for customer service were about the importance of PROMPT customer service?
With the time that had elapsed I had already paid to get my tire fixed elsewhere. As this was also the second bad experience with this company I didn't want anything more from them than to share the story and let them know my plan to spread the word on their abysmal customer service (both in shop and at corporate). SIDEBAR: during the original purchase of these tires at Tire Works they tried to sneak in an overcharge of $500 on a set of new tires as required me to catch it before the bill was adjusted.
So in the end, although a "manager" can steal away your time and money leaving spreading the word of mouth on bad service as the only available reciprocity as a consumer. Thankfully today, channels such as Facebook, Yelp reviews, Google business reviews!, Yahoo reviews,, Angie's List and about a dozen other portals exist so we can do just that. Reviews like yours and mine reach on average of at LEAST 1000 people over their lifetime.
With any luck, other reviews similar to my own will pile up, revenue will stop flowing to Tire Works and locations will close leaving other potential customers getting great service elsewhere.