This review is for the frozen custard only and holy crap, yes, FIVE STARS FOR CUSTARD.
I've lived my whole life on the west coast. Do you know what we don't have nearly enough of on the west coast? Frozen Custard.
I'd spent a few summers in Illinois as a youth and my favorite nostalgic fat kid memory is eating Culver's with my aunt. My dude and I were in Tempe to run a half marathon and what better justification for eating the most calorie laden of all desserts than a 13 mile run? We had eaten a huge lunch a few hours earlier, so we only drove through for custard (yes, this was after the run, hence the desire to sit in the car and eat). I got a scoop of vanilla and a scoop of chocolate in a waffle cone. Thankfully my dude got his own because once I tasted it I was NOT sharing.
It's probably good we don't have Culver's in California. I suspect I would have some self control issues if I had all the time access to treats this delicious.