Seeing Band of Skulls rock the house (or church?) at Mr. Smalls for my first ever concert here was just amazing. I loved the dark, gothy feel of the inside of Mr. Smalls and seeing a pure rock n' roll, grunge-rock band light up the room really made my first experience here even more memorable.
The acoustics are great in this old church, making Band of Skulls seem like rock gods playing amongst the peons of souls trying to make themselves worthy.
The deck outside consists of some sort of juice bar/ grill where concert goers can indulge on some light fair or order a vitamin water which, I think, is pretty neat to have outside of the actual stage. I also noticed some sort of pizza oven on the inside of Mr. Smalls, even though I didn't try any of the food. The bar is pretty legit as well; its much better than some other concert venues bars.
I'll definitely come back to see other performances at Mr. Smalls. I'm interested to see what a band that doesn't wear all black sounds like inside the funhouse for sure.