WARNING: INTERESTED IN MOVING IN VISIT AT NIGHT FIRST!! If you want to really see where you will be living. Also do not believe the website as it is either really outdated or a flat out lie! Whole time I've lived there I never saw a workout room or a media room. The area isn't safe or taken care of trash and glass every where with careless tenants who hang around from sun up to sun down drinking and getting high. I'm not a prude but the apartments reek of weed, tenants party all night, argue, fight. I witnessed a drug deal go down right outside of my window. first day I moved in a crackhead came to the door asking for a cigarette!!! Didn't feel safe taking my son outside.
The office staff are horrible they take their time fulfilling requests I moved in, in July and Vegas heat is horrible! My AC didn't work and the office took their sweet time fixing it. They didn't clean up the apartment before I moved in or replace the toilet seat when I moved in nor did the replace the linoleum or carpet so I was stuck dealing with bad carpet and a huge stain in the bathroom on the floor, and in the shower not to mention I had
To hold the toilet flusher down the entire time it flushed or else it wouldn't. My apartment had his really bad odor and made my stuff stink! Cops in and out of the apartments daily ! It's not worth the cheap rent if you can find something else please do.