Had a horrible experience here. Did multiple allergy tests on my daughter for mild eczema only to be prescribed a super potent topical steroid. This initially cleared the eczema and then it spread worse. I informed Dr. Rose of this and was told to ignore the warning labels on the prescription and to apply this topically until the eczema went away. I was told the breaks weren't necessary between doses as "the benefits outweighed the risks."
Unfortunately we listened to this advice and her skin worsened 10 fold. After doing my own research, we found that she actually was having a reaction to the medicine called "red skin syndrome" and now she's been withdrawing from this awful medication for almost a year! Horrific symptoms as a result of this negligence. Doctors that will prescribe your 4 year old medication for ages 18+ only and advise you to use it against the directions ... I fear for other parents taking their children here. The benefits will not outweigh the risks, I promise you :(