I often wonder if I have attacks of dyspraxia. I can get through most days reasonably safely, but then have moments of severe clumsiness. My most recent was walking to work last week. It was a day where I had a flexible start so didn't have to be in until after 9. I was trotting along happily in the sunshine wearing a comfy pair of sandals when I decided to throw some paper in the garbage. I stumbled, half fell into the bin...and broke the toe strap around my sandal.
I was close to work and Gerry's at the time so I decided to hobble in there first and see if they could do anything for me. He was truly my cobbler in shining armour. I explained that I didn't have a spare pair with me so he sat me down on the bench and took the sandal into the back to do a temporary repair-enough to get me to work and home. There was no charge!
I came back later with the sandal for the official repair. He checked it over and found other areas that were liable to go too. I started to worry that getting them repaired was going to cost more than they were worth, but securing multiple areas came to $12. A shoe repair shop that doesn't charge a fortune and will get you through a shoe emergency is a keeper as far as I'm concerned!