So, I'm a frequent Target shopper/past teenage employee. Yikes, the good old days. This target is alright. They have everything I need and their shelves are always stocked. The store is relatively clean and the check out cashiers are always friendly and fast. You can always count on Target to have speedy checkout. But I have a few complaints.
Can you please fix the carts?! I grab a cart. It rolls funny cause a wheel is messed up. I grab a different cart. Same issue. Oh wait, EVERY SINGLE CART HERE is like that. Good luck finding a smoothly rolling cart that doesn't take extra muscle control to make the wide turns down aisles. Goodness gracious. Maybe even some WD40 would help this wheel move a little smoother. It's like they don't do upkeep on their cart here.
Another issue I have is that there seems to never be any staff members working in the grocery section. I am constantly searching the aisles for someone and I can never find anyone. It's like the apocalypse back there and I'm the last human on Earth. I usually have to meander off to a different section and grab someone from there. Get some staff over to the food Target, please.
Other than those two main issues I have. This Target is okay. But goodness, those carts might cause me to shop elsewhere. They are wearing on my nerves.
Don't get me wrong, Target is a great store and I love their home section. But if you are gonna nix your garden center to add groceries, you might as well put some staff in there. Maybe?