Three months after receiving the homophobic email from Christina Carter telling me that gays should take their business elsewhere and I still have not received an apology or acknowledgement that the way I was treated was not only wrong but reprehensible from anyone.
Meanwhile, Papa John's was in the news because Iggy Azalea ordered from them and her contact info was passed around to several other people who ended up harassing her. Within 24 hours Papa John's offered an apology and said the offending employee was disciplined. So I suppose if Papa John's abuses you as a customer, you can only expect an apology if you're a Grammy nominee. (The fact that she was a STRAIGHT Grammy nominee probably helped too - would they have apologized to Sam Smith if the same thing happened to him?)
But still, it just goes to show that this is a company that makes a practice of abusing its confidential customer information using it in ways they shouldn't whether it be someone's phone number being given out to several people or an upper manager using your email address to send you a harassing bullying antigay email. Clearly the lowest of the low and a place that if not outright boycotted, should be avoided all together.