Get ready for a sappy review...this hole in the wall has a special place in my heart. When my mom had cancer she'd get a craving for Siamese Kitchen and send me with our own glass dishes (bc she didn't like the to-go styrofoam LOL and they would gladly pack my mom's food "to-go" in our very own dishes. I always thought it was so sweet that they would go the extra mile to please a customer.
Since then I feel like they've gotten busier with being on postmates and such but I still enjoy their red curry soooo much. Their beef salad is delicious as well. My only caution is that when you order on the phone be sure to ask what the "hot scale" is...for a while I was ordering a level 3 spiciness thinking the scale was 1-5 and getting home only to find it was barely spicy at all. I called and asked if the spicy level was 1-5 or 1-10 and they told me it was sometimes 1-5 and sometimes 1-10. This made me chuckle big time. I guess it depends who's taking your order. But be warned! It's got all the quirks of a hole in the wall but awesome taste and it's a family favorite of ours because of the special memories we've created around their food!