How I live 1 block from this gorgeous shrine of booze, and haven't turned into a gutter drunk, is beyond me! It's SOOO wonderful, and their prices are fantastic!!!! For the past several months, cases of Fat Tire (yes.. case.. 24!!! TWENTY FOUR BEERS) COLD are SOLD for $11.99-14.99 (depending on.. ???? I'm not sure.. but still that's sooooooooo LOW!!) and that's just one little example of the amazingness cuz there's SO MUCH MOAAAARRR amazingness at Sun Devil Liquors!!!
They also have like.. EVERYTHING THAT IS ALCOHOLIC. Sun Devil's makes those korporate HOARS at bevmo look like an effing Circle K.. :)
The staff always knows the answers to any questions, too! Amazing! :D And the basement bar is sooo cool :D
And it's probably quite apparrent from my typing that I rolled up in there tonight :D