I have experienced the Magical Forest a total of three times. All three times have been with different groups of people. This year I went with my boyfriend. I wavered between giving the Magical Forest 3 or 4 stars, but I am indeed a fan of charities and even if my opinions of Opportunity Village may be less than most people, I don't mind giving out some money for a holiday treat to a local place, rather than some random conglomerate holiday activity.
I was disappointed because I didn't see a Charlie Brown Christmas display this year, but there was a Coca Cola Bear display which I very much enjoyed. However, it was hard to really enjoy the forest because there were SO MANY PEOPLE. It was just very crowded. I was getting run over by strollers constantly. I realize it's a family environment, but a lot of parents just don't control their children very well.
Overall it's something different to do. It will make you have holiday cheer. So if that's what you're looking for than the Magical Forest is a good place for you.