Wish I could give a 0 for their insane "no sleeping" policy. And this is for ticketed passengers, not homeless.
So I understand the need to be aggressive about keeping the local bummery out as the area where this station is around Fremont has one of the largest homeless populations of the city (and seems to be the favorite hangout of the drunks/druggies). They have a chokepoint on entry for ticket checks and in the late hours also walk around checking tickets every couple of hours, though. That seems to work well enough and keep most of the local bums from trying to crash out in there.
This station takes it a step further (into complete insanity) and tells ticketed passengers they can't close their eyes in the station. Some security guy walks around poking people if they're asleep, even if they're just dozing while sitting in one chair. Keep in mind this is a 24 hour station and people get laid over for hours here.
When I came through and observed this I got there for an early morning bus. I heard from others that they were stuck there because their PM bus to Arizona had broken down, and Greyhound's policy in these cases is usually to force everyone to take the next available schedule rather than getting a new bus, so they were stuck overnight until the next bus in the AM. Forcing people to stay awake after fucking up their travel plans that badly is piling some Guantanamo Bay shit on top of general incompetence.
Over the last few years I've had a few overnight layovers at other 24-hour Greyhound stations. San Francisco, Sacramento, LA. None of them care if people sleep. Hell if there's space available you can lay out across chairs or lay out on the floor in a corner somewhere. Those stations seem to understand that sleep is a basic physiological need like breathing and water, while whatever dope who set the policy at Vegas does not. Place is flirting with a lawsuit when they inevitably cause or exacerbate a medical condition by forcing someone to stay awake for hours.