Filing a discrimination complaint first thing Monday morning. Went in today with my prescription to get reading glasses. I was actually okay with the almost 1-hour wait because it gave me time to browse frames. I finally got called by a worker named David. He reeked of very strong cigarette smoke, like 10 stale ash trays. Luckily for me, I had taken an allergy pill earlier in the day. But that's not even the reason for my complaint. This David guy did not even look at the prescription that I brought and had the nerve to judge me. I told him that my optometrist gave me a prescription for reading glasses. I had corrective eye surgery so I only need glasses for reading up close. David, who I'm sure is not a doctor AND didn't even look at my paperwork would roll his eyes at me when I spoke and made faces as if in disgust. (Who is he to do that, not like he's real easy on the eyes!) He said that both my eye surgeon and optometrist didn't do my surgery correctly because my vision is so poor and I need either bi-focals or tri-focals and told me that I was in denial about how bad my eyesight is. How can one possible know that without 1) looking at my prescription, and 2) being a doctor?! He made everything so difficult for me, insulted me, no willingness to help or give me options, and yelled at me. So I got up and tried to leave and this guy raised his voice and just kept saying a bunch of nonsense. I asked him many times 'can I order glasses from here or not?' And he would just go around the question so clearly he did not want to help me in any way. Caused a scene in front of everyone there. I do not appreciate public humiliation just so someone else can feel righteous. Even with the yelling back and forth and scene that was caused, not one other worker or manager even came to help out.
All I wanted was a pair of frickin reading glasses so I can read my Kindle at night! Why was this so painful and difficult?!?! Because of the way that David guy treated me, I can honestly say that I'm not done. They'll be hearing from someone for sure.