Renters & future renters be aware and think twice before moving into Symphony.
Where to start poor management, unprofessional staff and maintenance staff they can never get a work order right. Don't bother calling the office or emergency maintenance because they will never answer the phone not because they are busy but because they are lazy and busy updating their FB status, the current property manager doesn't like people standing up to her and wouldn't admit that her or her staff or her vendors are wrong even if they are.
She will came up with lies and make up stories to cover for her staff not to mention very unprofessional for a property manager.
She acts like she's running a gang not a property or staff.
There's nothing luxury about Symphony gates are always broken, fitness center equipments breaks down every other day and don't even try going into the leasing office and report it because they ain't going to fix it, pool closed at least once a week.
They will turn the power and the shut the water off without advance notice.
She'll falsify legal documents and retaliate against you because you said something she didn't like.
Don't waste your time calling corporate because Tina( Regional Manager). Never and will not answer or return your calls and claims that she never got your voicemails.
Also she'll cover up and support her managers even if they are wrong to avoid and not assume liability.
Again think twice before moving in.