How they make those meatless chocolate chip cookies will always amaze me!!! Well maybe I came in with high expectations and that led to disappointment...But seriously if I want meatballs...I shouldn't be a why would I want "mock balls"...they were strange...I couldn't get the taste out of my mouth...The gratin dip was this liquidy green goo to be eaten with corn chips...disgusting...crab puffs...who needs about a pizza that has fake cheese on it? It was so doughy and odd...kinda like something at a school is this so natural and green...fake things that are supposed to be like the real about just some great tasting food that doesn't include animal products? Believe me no animals were harmed in creating this meal...unless someone brings home a doggy bag for Rover!!! Ugh...I'm still feeling green from this meal! This is a slap in the face to vegans...vegan food should be tasty and fresh...not contrived! It's time to shine the light on this "Emperor's Clothes"! I like the idea of a vegan restaurant...but I prefer the idea of great tasting food!