I figured surely there cant still be lines to get a cheesecake at Uncle Tetsu still, right? I was wrong. I could see the line as I was approaching the store. I've been in Toronto long enough to know that when you see a line, you get in the line and then try to figure out what the line is for...unlike some other people who kinda just walked by, thinking they could just waltz right into the shop only to realize what the line was for and had to double back... hah!
I saw that there were at most maybe 15 people in line, and so I assumed that meant I would get into the shop soon. Right? No, I was wrong. It took about 40 minutes for me standing in line to get to the door. Just went I thought that meant the wait was over, apparently, I had to wait some more for the next batch of cheesecakes to be ready...The smell was very good though. At least I had that while waiting in line =)
OK, so how was it? It's good. Very soft and light. It tastes a little eggy and spongy to me. And it's barely sweet (which I like). Verdict: I'll eat it again if one happens to be in front of me. I don't know that I would stand in line again though.
People keep telling me that I could have just walked to Union Station and avoid the line there. That's definitely another option.