| - When in shoe doubt, head over to DSW. This large warehouse is packed with shoes, and so long as you are in the mood to bargain hunt, you will most likely have a successful shopping experience.
It may be easy to get overwhelmed here because of the rows and rows of shoes. Nothing is displayed fancily, it is literally just shoes out on display with extra sizes right underneath in boxes so you can just help yourself to trying things on (I happen to like this better than having to ask salespeople).
The location here is a great store, and one of my favorite parts about it is the sale racks in the back. Imagine, a shoe store full of bargains anyway, and then heading to the back and finding even more! You can save big here, no doubt. I scored a pair of shoes here for $12 once, Nine West, originally $60 something. Not bad!
Also, check out the handbags - great designers at even better prices!