| - JOKE of a school.. I encourage you to message me for information regarding the dental hygiene program before you go through their ridiculous "entrance" process into the program. Let me tell you the right school to go to! Got accepted into a WAY better school & I can't believe how much time I wasted at this stupid place. Don't let their kindness fool you, they really could care less. PLUS: 2 years & 8 months (not to even mention you will be out $55k) for an associate degree??!! Hahahaha, all I can do is laugh. This school does NOT have a good reputation in the dental field..
Mind you, I can understand if I did not qualify, (or if the 17 other students had higher points) but fortis tries to make themselves appear as some elite, high class school and they are NOT!! You have to find all your own patients, take out tons of loans, and additionally, pay a certain amount $150.00+ EVERY month for supplies to even stay in the program. They also recommend you don't work throughout the program. (2 years, 8 months, people). Hope you have family or a spouse to support you financially.
Process BEFORE acceptance (for everyone whether you get accepted or not)
1) take Wonderlic (12 min assessment- have to pass)
2) take HESI (4 hour exam on math, reading, grammar)- sounds easy but most people have to take twice to attempt at an even better score (so, 8 hours total for most)
ALSO NOTE: can only take HESI twice a year, so if you take it both times back to back & don't get accepted, you're screwed for a year. Your exam score will not count for the following session, if you've taken twice within that year. They will ALWAYS encourage you to take it again. Like I said, if you don't get accepted after taking it twice within a year, you're not getting in that year. If your original score is great (85 % ish+), don't take it again for the same session! Wait to see if you are accepted; if not, study harder and apply the next session. (only 2 sessions a year, accepting 17 students). The advisors suck and try to make you fail.
3) go out of your way to take a drug test/ school administers background check. (You literally have to go somewhere and awkwardly pee in a cup with a worker standing close by... BEFORE you're even accepted!) why you wasting my time?
4) write 4-5 page essay on why they should accept you (haha!! Thinking back makes me laugh)
5) meet with financial aid advisor 2 times to set up financial aid (before acceptance, why???) Yet again, waste of time, and I value my time. Why not wait until the students get accepted??
6) send official high school and college transcripts (pretty easy)
7) dress in business attire and have an "interview" with the head of the program to try to impress her so that you'll get accepted. (Once again, hahah!! Oh, fortis.)
*NOTE: when I say waste of applicants' time, that's because they accept students on whether you've been a dental assistant, your pre reqs, gpa, etc. accept students first, then meet with financial aid, drug test, etc. There's a ranking system.
Final notes: The reps don't care to call you back to let you know you haven't been accepted ... But will still send you emails to try to refer your friends and/or family towards the program. Why? Because once they know they won't be getting your money, they could care less about you & just want other people to lure in.
Hope that clears it up for everyone, CHEERS!! :)