I was hoping the handicapped issue would have improved this year but alas it is obviously not a priority. It was a fiasco. They wave us to the handicapped lot. But there were none left. Then they say you can park anywhere in that lot but that defeats the purpose. It is too much walking for my dad. So we go to the next lot over and the security gal says it is the players lot. Really? Why do the players need handicapped spaces in their lot? Hmmm???
So my dad slowly makes his way to the entrance of the stadium and there is his chariot- a terrifc Ex- NYC cop with a wheelchair. He was wonderful. Thank you Joseph- you made his night! Then after the game Joseph came back and got him. He saved the night.
Now, will we keep going back- probably not. It's too much of a hassle and no one knows anything. No radio people around outside the venue. (see review from last year just below) Inside the stadium there are a lot of people around to help. Not outside though.