| - They asked me to bring my dog back after they Killed her & hoped I had a great visit..!! They are so on organized and thoughtless to ask me to bring my dog in after the killer and they charged me twice the kill my dog. I never finished telling how they killed my dog they kept my dog overnight because they were closing,I only went there to get her yr. shots but they were closing & said keep her overnight & we will give u the blood results in the Morning,I paid $260 for the visit & Blood they call me at 6am in the morning & tell me they won't give me the results unless I come down & give them a credit card so I just gave them my card over the phone & signed a form of any problems they can take care of it from X-Rays to pills,so now they have my card & say my dog has a temp. Of 104* news to me..!! She was perfect going in..!! So they said she had a blood infection & need to keep her overnight again to put her on IV, the next day the Vet calls & said come get your dog rt. Now for I'm the only Vet on call to do surgery witch was fine with me because I wanted my dog, I jumped in the car 3 mins later the Vet called & said my dog is dead or passed in 3 mins, I couldn't talk.!!? They just asked me to come get my dog she alright to come get & 3-5 mins later the Vet called to tell me she's passed.. HOW.? In 3-5 mins ago she was fine,well she said they took her outside to go to the bathroom & she just fell over by the way I was on my way it was the hottest day that summer 117.* & she had a temp. Supposedly so I asked how did she die and she replied well you know I try to revive her and that also cost 3K and you signed for us to check her out but you never sign for x-rays I said yes I did and then the vet looked and said oh yeah you did but that didn't matter anyhow I found the lump in her stomach and him it had to be cancer in her stomach I was given a cancer and Mike sign for trays but you didn't do it and you're charging me $3000 to revive her and another 2000 to keep her overnight the last two nights Friday and only came in there for $22 shots my dog they killed before they called me to tell me she fell over you not call someone and tell them your dog is OK come get her and then she die three minutes later I'm driving in the car all happy to get my dog in my car & then say she's dead they just gave me The call to say my dog is OK come get her after they charge my credit card up to $7000 that place should be shut down...!! I brought my dog in for $22 shots and end up leaving on over $7000 they took off my credit card and killed my dog and lied about the x-rays which I signed for and then she came up with excuses? oh yeah you did but it was cancer in the stomach my dog was perfectly fine before I brought her in & I just brought her in for her yearly shots that place should not be standing they took my dogs life they kept her there to run up the bill, i've been so upset I couldn't go back into that place and they had enough nerve to send me a letter stating I hope your dog had a nice visit bring her back in next month on this day oh my God it this place is relentless how that place works so on organized.!! they just killed my dog and they're saying bring her back in. They lied about how she died and said I didn't sign for x-rays which I did and she looked that I signed for it and they charge me & took it off my credit card,it didn't matter by the way because the next excuse was m=well I did fill up under her & it was a lump of cancer and like I couldn't talk? They just said my dog was fine come pick her up..!! My dog was like family and I cannot go back in that place at that time but I will try to shut them down. It was just too overwhelming what happened to me that just doesn't happen you take her dog in for shots excuse one day For more $ excuse today's another credit card $3000 bucks come get your dog she's fine I'm in the car three minutes later your dogs passed a try to revive her but another $4000 by the way. not 1 sincere or I'm sorry. I've been in shock over this..!! It's like a pyramid scam there and they're all in it you got to sign this or we won't do this you got paid this before this and then you pay that for that but we won't give you results in less you give us more money and then we got to do this because of this and then this because of this more money OK your dog is fine come get her I'm happy she's OK three minutes later your dog passed I'm sorry try to revive her 4000 more dollars what do you want to do with your dog cremator this that I could walk in the place I was so upset and mad I couldn't go in there I just couldn't but now I've never written a review this is my first one and I own horses, dogs, saltwater tanks..!! I love animals in that place the vets are all about scaring you out of money but the thing is if they scare me out of money is one thing but killing your animal to do it no I talked to a lady today her dogs on life-support,she's going through the same thing I did?????????!?